Packet Rules

Packet Rules

·        By Clicking on “packet rules” link at the bottom of the table of application rules, you can create or edit rules in packet layer.


You can view information concerning defined rules by users and it consist rule name and decision. By clicking on a rule you can see its information on the bottom of the table. In the right part of the window, you can use up or down buttons to change priority of the rules. Also you can use Add, Edit and delete buttons to add/edit or delete the profile. Clicking Add, you observe the following items:


·        Name: to put a name for the rule.

·        Decision: to choose the decision made for the event.

·        Direction: to choose the direction of the event’s traffic. From inside to outside and vice versa.

·        Protocol: to choose one of the following options: IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP  

·        Remote port: to select port number.

·        Local port: to select local port.

·         Remote address: to select remote address

·         Local address: to select local address